Rangitane Reserve eDNA
We recently took a water sample out of the stream running through the Rangitane Scenic Reserve and sent it away to https://wilderlab.co.nz for eDNA analysis.
Rangitane Reserve Pest Monitoring
We recently bought a DOC AI Cam from Cacophany / 2040. You can read about this camera here: https://www.2040.co.nz/collections/thermal-camera-for-predators/products/doc-ai-cam-thermal-camera-with-machine-vision
We ran the camera for
Rangitane Reserve bird monitoring
Results of 5 min bird counts at four locations within the Rangitane Reserve. 2023 was our seventh count, undertaken yearly in September.
We have
Native Plant Survey, Rangitane Reserve
Native Plant Survey, Rangitane Reserve Bay of Islands 2nd October 2017
Native Trees and Shrubs:
Coprosma rhamnoides
Horoeka / Lancewood
Kanuka (Kunzea spp)
Karamu (Coprosma robusta)
Kohekohe (Dysoxylum